Difference Between Commercial and Residential Painting
The difference of residential and commercial painting is often neglected because we are all focused on the task, however what is really the difference between the two?
- Project size
A painting project can change in scope and it depends on the scope of how a service is needed as well as provided. When it comes to residential properties, there can be projects that focuses on the whole of the property, however there are also projects that only focuses on certain areas like the interior as well as the exterior.
On the other hand, commercial properties often involve bigger scopes because commercial properties often include buildings. Buildings may vary from small retail stores but can also be. As huge as airports and other buildings you see those towers above you.
- Number ofprofessionals
Commercial buildings that are large in size requires more helping hand compared to residential areas. Since residential projects involve lesser space and task, there is an equivalent a smaller number of professionals that are focused on the project.
- Materials andequipment
Painting in residential properties seldom requires the need of big equipment. A roller and a ladder may sometimes suffice however, a commercial building may require a lot more. Given that a commercial space is a lot bigger than most residential properties, the equipment that is needed is far more challenging. more than that, the colors involve all vary in a lot of types, textures and shades which unlike a residential property that often focus on a shade or two.
commercial properties also need to consider a lot when it comes to choosing the right paint. Paint that comes with a gloss provide a better lighting while some darken your space.
- Schedule
When we talk about commercial properties, scheduling of the work is more demanding. The contractors Need to abide by the schedule provided by the business owner and the operation time of the business. Businesses are critical when it comes to work like painting. Since business owners want the business going, even with the need for painting, the business is still open and the contractor will do the adjustment according to the schedule or vacancy provided by the company.
On the other hand, residential properties do not require very strict measures unlike commercial properties. Painting on tractors often work on a Norma work week and normal working hours. However, even if this is the usual setup, some customers also demand what’s convenient for them.
- Management of the project
The management of painting projects also differ between commercial and residential however it is generally related to the strict timeline implemented. Since business owners provide a stricter deadline and timeline, an inferential approach and management of the task is delegated however, since residential properties does not usually require much strict deadlines, the management of the task is more flexible.
Are you looking for help in painting whether commercial or residential? Residential Painting Rochester NY offers residential painting, however if you want to know more about them, you can always visit their website eppaintingny.com. There you will see that the company is not only knowledgeable to residential properties but also to commercial properties.
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